Job Category: Qualified Social and Health Professionals, Adult Social Care
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire
Start Date: Immediate Start
Salary: £28.00 per hour
You will be expected to: 1) receive and co-ordinate complex referrals, undertake the resulting assessments including where appropriate Approved Mental Health Practitioner (AMHP) and
Best Interest Assessor (BIA) and carers assessments; 2) coach and mentor Social Care
Assessors who are undertaking assessments, support planning and review tasks; 3) influence
the direction of future services.
You will be expected to provide leadership on risk and safeguarding matters and to promote
personalised care pathways ensuring choice and control for all eligible individuals. You will be expected to work with others to influence and shape the local environment, to promote social inclusion and accessibility and ensure that identified needs are understood individually, by locality and fed into strategic commissioning.
You will be expected to be able to cover for your line manager on occasion and to also to cover for social workers from other teams if required to do so for a temporary period.
- Complete professional assessments of need and risk for highly complex and challenging cases in respect of service users and carers using Luton Borough Council eligibility criteria. This is likely to include safeguarding cases and may include undertaking AMHP and BIA assessments (if you have undertaken the appropriate training). This involves: Care
• Undertaking statutory duties under the Care Act 2014, Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act other legislation and guidance relating to service users and carers. Including undertaking training to be an Approved Mental Health Practitioner (AMHP) and or Best Interest Assessor (BIA) and maintaining professional registration
• Overseeing a duty role as necessary and prioritising level of intervention (including allocating initial assessments to social care staff)
• Keeping appropriate case records, statistics and information utilising Council
computer case recording systems, and other IT systems where required.
• Providing reports for Court and other purposes, meeting the needs of
internal/external agencies and complying with Luton Borough Council Policies and Procedures
• Working with other professionals and partners to achieve effective joint working
through initiatives that require a multi-agency approach, participating in and
organising and chairing multi agency meetings
• Undertaking training and keeping up to date to with legislative changes and best practice - Coach and mentor and provide support on case work issues to a group of up to 4
unqualified staff / Social Care Assessors. Providing leadership, support and challenge
to enable them to undertake assessments, including risk assessments, complete RAS
paperwork and support service users and carers with support planning and review
tasks. This involves:
• Ensuring that service users and carers are involved in timely assessment and support planning and review processes
• Ensuring needs are met through negotiation with service users and their carers
and consultation with professional colleagues, and that Support Plans are
person centred and focused on individual outcomes, meet assessed needs,
address risks, promote independence and choice, respect service users dignity and rights and meet their cultural needs
• Checking that support plans (or care packages) provide value for money and
meet assessed needs and outcomes identified by the user and take account of
any changing needs at review.
• Ensuring there is engagement with other professionals and partners to achieve
effective joint working through initiatives that require a multi-agency approach
• Ensuring the provision of an effective service to local people by maintaining
high standards of professional practice and implementing quality assurance systems
• When necessary and subject to accreditation, carry out, if required the role of practice teacher for students on professional qualifying courses - Undertake research (including benchmarking) or development work on specific issues or problems as required by your manager and inform colleagues of the likely benefit
and cost of different options. (This overlaps with tasks identified under 1 and 2 above
and is intended to reflect the additional time this may require) - Contribute to the development of Directorate projects or strategic plans and or borough wide and neighbourhood projects as required
Substantial post qualifying experience in social/health care field. This should and include:
• Experience of the customer interface environment and demonstrable commitment to customer satisfaction including knowledge of the different adult client groups.
• Experience of advocacy and user involvement issues including promoting the involvement of people
in developing their own care/support plans
• Significant experience of collaborative, partnership and interagency working.
• Experience of coaching/ mentoring.
Education and Training:
Dip SW or CQSW, (or Foreign qualification where certified by General Social Care Council) + at least PQ in one relevant module/area and hold GSCC /HPC or equivalent registration, with a demonstrable commitment to undertake further professional development
ASW/AMHP, BIA or Practice Teaching award
Relevant Degree in related area, or management qualification
Job Features
Job Category | Social & Healthcare |
Job Category: Qualified Social and Health Professionals, Adult Social CareLocation: Luton, BedfordshireStart Date: Immediate StartSalary: £28.00 per hour PURPOSE OF POST:You will be expected to: 1) r…
Job Role: Qualified Pest Controllers.
Location: Buckinghamshire.
Grade L5.
Pay £13.50 per hour.
Start Date: Immediate Start.
Nations Recruitment are excited to recruit a six Qualified Pest Control officers to support the local
As a pest Control Officer you will responsible for all pest control treatments, investigate and take
action to prevent or minimise infestations inline with the council’s statutory duties. You will need to
be available for work from Mid November 2020.
You must have relevant Pest Control qualifications.
About the Role
• Respond to a range of pest control service requests within specified deadlines.
• Undertake detailed inspections and respond with appropriate treatment.
• Accurately record all requests to comply with Council policies.
• Ensure vehicle and all equipment is looked after, clean and tidy.
About you
• Strong team player with can do attitude.
• Be able effectively communicate with customers and have emphatic and diplomatic
approach in order to complete your role
• To remain calm in stressful situations
• Full driving licence required and be able to use the council van to travel to various sites
• Up to date vaccinations for Rabies and Hepatitis B
• To be able to use spraying equipment, ladders and access spaces that may be confined
About Us
We are an equal opportunities employment agency and business that positively encourages
applications from all suitably qualified and eligible candidates.
The role will be covering Luton or Milton Keynes.
Job Features
Job Category | Others/General Jobs |
Job Role: Qualified Pest Controllers.Location: Buckinghamshire.Grade L5.Pay £13.50 per hour.Start Date: Immediate Start. Nations Recruitment are excited to recruit a six Qualified Pest Control office…
Job Category : Social Care – Qualified
Client Location : St Andrew’s Court, Enfield Council
Hours Per Week : 35.00
Start Date : Immediate Start
Start Time : 08:45
End Time : 17:00
Salary: £23.50 per hour Weekend :£35.25 per hour
We are looking for an experienced qualified social worker to take up the role of Social Worker in the Learning Disabilities Assessment & Care Management Team. The team is part of an integrated health and social care service providing a wide range of support to people with learning disabilities and their carers. The service is fully committed to working with people with learning disabilities to increase their independence and inclusion and to maximise their control over their lives. The team is very forward thinking and encourage staff to develop their professional skills so as to impact the lives of those we serve.
The successful candidate will:
• have extensive experience of working with vulnerable service users and their carers
• be committed to the principles of personalisation and have a track record in supporting people to maximise their control
• being creative in developing support plans that develop the service user and demonstrates best value and community inclusion
• have experience in safeguarding adults practice
Will primarily be conducted reviews of existing LD service users current packages of care.
Screening Questions:
Social Worker must have more than 3 years experience. Must have learning disabilities experience. Must have experience in reviewing Support Plans and being able to make efficiencies when possible.
Degree in Social Work or CQSA, DipSW, CSS
HCPC Registration
Ability To Communicate With Staff Of All Levels
Ability To Deal With Sensitive Issues
Ability To Manage A Caseload
Ability To Manage Workload And Work As Part Of A Team
Ability To Pass Information Accurately Between Colleagues Other Agencies And Partners
Ability To Plan And Organise Own Workload To Meet Targets And Deadlines
Ability To Supervise Others
Ability To Work As Part Of A Small Team And On Own Initiative
Analytical Skills
Computer Literate
Dipsw Qualified Or Equivalent
Enhanced CRB/DBS Within Last 12 Months
Excellent Communication Skills
Excellent Verbal And Written Communication Skills
Experience of assessing and reviewing a service user’s situation
Experience of organising and managing Support Packages
Good Verbal And Written Skills
Gscc Registered
Knowledge of policies, practices and procedures of the Adults Services to prescribed standards
Job Features
Job Category | Social & Healthcare |
Job Category : Social Care – QualifiedClient Location : St Andrew’s Court, Enfield CouncilHours Per Week : 35.00Start Date : Immediate StartStart Time : 08:45End Time : 17:00Salary: £23.5…
Job Category : Social Care – Unqualified.
Location : Civic Centre, Enfield Council.
Hours Per Week : 35.00.
Start Date : Immediate Start.
Start Time : 09:00.
End Time : 17:30.
Salary: £17.27.
Enhanced DBS & barred list check (Child & adult) Required
• To undertake, organise and develop the efficient and effective implementation of
administrative procedures in relation to the EHC needs assessment and review of children/young
people with special educational needs and disability ensuring compliance with statutory deadlines
• To ensure that appropriate provision and arrangements, including travel assistance, are
made to meet the needs of pupils with SEND taking into account the efficient use of LA resources
• Provide written and verbal advice on the statutory procedures to parents, educational
settings, Health and Social Services, support services and other agencies ensuring supportive,
sensitive and constructive liaison so that decisions are well supported and have maximum potential
for sustainability
• Take appropriate action including the negotiation and agreement of placement and
provision of specialist support
• Write EHCPs taking all professional and parental advice into consideration.
• Attend and contribute to Multi Agency Meetings within educational settings to support the
development and agreement of outcomes and provision.
• To chair Multi Agency Meetings, where appropriate, to co-ordinate the development and
agreement of outcomes and provision.
• Consult and negotiate with headteachers and others to ensure that appropriate provision is
made for pupils with SEND
• Maintain, review and amend EHCPs
• Liaise with other LAs in respect of children and young people moving out of borough/moving
into Enfield
• Ensure arrangements for the appropriate placement of children with SEND in schools,
Resourced Provision, Special Schools and other educational facilities/establishments as required
• To ensure that arrangements for travel assistance are considered and arranged as
• Attend meetings with educational settings and parents to work proactively to minimise the
number of cases which are put forward to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal
• Prepare relevant documents e.g. a chronology, in response to appeals to the Special
Educational Needs Tribunal/legal proceedings.
• Assist the Senior Advisory Officers and SEND Service Manager with the preparation of case
statements/documents in response to appeals to the Special Educational Needs Tribunal/legal
• Liaise with Legal Services and witnesses for the LA, as required, in relation to appeals to the
Special Educational Needs Tribunal/legal proceedings.
• Consult with educational settings, parents and other professionals in relation to placement,
provision, reviews and the maintenance of EHCPs
• To undertake appropriate casework in respect of key transition stages and transport
assistance for children and young people with SEN
• To produce a range of written correspondence, including draft responses to complaints or
enquiries from MPs, Solicitors, parents, educational settings in conjunction with the Senior Advisory
Officers and SEND Service Manager
• To monitor SEND contracts to ensure performance indicators have been reached
• To represent the SEND Service at a range of meetings/panels to present advice regarding
pupils with SEND
• Make appropriate and timely inputs to the SEND data system as require
• Support the SEND Service Manager by assisting with the induction of new members of staff
• Contribute to Case Management meetings and support the service to identify solutions in
relation to complex cases
- Support and Guidance
• To provide support and guidance to operational support officers
• To assist the daily work of the operational support officers by identifying priorities and
making operational decisions with regards to conflicting deadlines - Partnership working and training
• Attend meetings with parents, their advocates, parent groups, educational settings, Services
or any stakeholder to resolve any disputes/disagreements/offer information regarding the business
of the SEND Service
• Encourage and develop positive relationships with educational settings, parents and other
agencies through high quality liaison and communication
• Consult and negotiate with educational settings and services in respect of children/young
people with SEND to ensure that appropriate provision is made
• Participate in training of LA, school and college staff, Governors and other agencies in
relation to the statutory processes and procedures
• Participate in inter-agency initiatives and priorities which are consistent with the needs of
the SEND Section
• Liaise with Health and Social Services, voluntary groups and other agencies as required and
work in partnership to develop provision for children/young people with SEN
Sound knowledge of education and the major current and anticipated issues for learners, schools,
colleges and the Local Authority in relation to Special Educational Needs
Good communication skills to be able to liaise, negotiate, mediate and respond to a wide audience
including children and young people, parents, schools, Governors, SENCOs and Head Teachers
Ability to build effective relationships and engage in partnership working with a range of customers
including parents, their advocates, schools, LA colleagues and professionals
Good written skills to write EHCPs taking all advice into consideration, to prepare Tribunal Case
Statements and to produce a range of written correspondence
Ability to work effectively within a team and contribute to the team ethos yet with the initiative to
independently, as required, and to support individuals, institutions and also organisations
Ability to work effectively with conflicting demands and to deadlines
Proficient use of IT systems and awareness of EMS to support the delivery of the service
Experience of working within a special educational needs environment
Experience of working with complex cases
A clean driving licence and access to a car/mode of transport for business purposes
Job Features
Job Category | Social & Healthcare |
Resume Cv | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Resume(CV)";s:5:"value";s:10:"PDF format";} |
Job Category : Social Care – Unqualified.Location : Civic Centre, Enfield Council.Hours Per Week : 35.00.Start Date : Immediate Start.Start Time : 09:00.End Time : 17:30.Salary: £17.27. Enhance…
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.
Hours per week: 37.
Salary: £31.00 per hour.
Start Date: Immediate Start.
Come and join us to make a difference for children and young people in Luton. Luton is a council that cares, where we work collaboratively with children and families. We are ambitious and determined to improve lives every day. We are open, honest and embrace difference. We are empowering our staff to trust our own decisions and those of others. We help each other’s to reach our full potential. We are passionate about helping you develop your career through regular supervision, coaching and mentoring. We are proud about our rapid achievements and have imbedded the agile improvement framework. We work SMART and we strive for the best.
We acknowledge Luton is currently on an improvement journey and that is the reason we need passionate, agile, dynamic, creative and inspiring qualified practitioners to join our Quality Assurance & Safeguarding Service at this important juncture. Luton’s Children and Families are at the heart of everything we do. Our undivided focus is on achieving good outcomes for children and young people by delivering high quality children’s social services across the borough.
We have five exciting opportunities available within our Children Services department to work as part of the Social Work Academy. This academy is a great opportunity to develop and give opportunities to develop your career in social work. This is a rewarding role where you will be supporting practice development of our ASYE’s through the academy. You will be promoting the academy and the fantastic career pathways at Luton.
You will be responding to service demand by holding a minimal complex caseload in order to support our NQSW’S and to cover any maternity leave and long term sickness when required within the team.
About you
We are looking for a qualified social workers with in-depth experience in the field of child and family social work. You’ll need experience of coaching and mentoring including practice teaching, however we do not require you to have a Practice teaching qualification. We need someone who has knowledge of children’s safeguarding and management of risk.
You’ll need to be able to demonstrate a high level of competence in the practice of child and family social work and be able to co-work with NQSW’s by guiding, challenging, advising and assisting. We need applicants with strong communication skills with a passion for building effective relationships with customers, staff, the public and other professionals.
Our ideal candidates will need to be able to negotiate, organise, prioritise and plan tasks and work to competing deadlines while meeting agreed targets. We need you to be confident in making and acting upon sound professional judgements based on levels of risk.
You will have the opportunity to develop on your already existing knowledge and understanding of current legislation, national guidance and best practice relevant to this role as well as knowledge of social care need of children and families.
We do ask that you have a recognised professional social work qualification (Degree, DipSW, CQSW or equivalent) and registered with the Social Work Regulator
Application process
Because of the nature of this job, it will be necessary for the appropriate level of criminal record disclosure to be undertaken. Therefore, it is essential in making your application you disclose whether you have any pending charges, convictions, bind-overs or cautions and, if so, for which offences. This post will be exempt from the provisions of Section 4 (2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exemptions) (Amendments) Order 1986. Therefore, applicants are not entitled to withhold information about convictions which for other purposes are ‘spent’ under the provision of the Act, and, in the event of the employment being taken up; any failure to disclose such convictions will result in dismissal or disciplinary action by the Authority. The fact that a pending charge, conviction, bind-over or caution has been recorded against you will not necessarily debar you from consideration for this appointment.
Additional information
Luton Borough Council is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and expects all staff to share this commitment.
Applicants must be willing to undergo child and/or vulnerable adults protection screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS).
Job Features
Job Category | Social & Healthcare |
Resume Cv | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Resume(CV)";s:5:"value";s:10:"PDF format";} |
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.Hours per week: 37.Salary: £31.00 per hour.Start Date: Immediate Start.Come and join us to make a difference for children and young people in Luton. Luton is a council t…
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.
Salary :£34 per hour.
Start Date: Immediate Start.
Nations Recruitment has locum vacancy for a Senior Practitioner to work full-time based in Luton,
within the Looked After Children Team. The ideal candidate will possess highly developed specialist
knowledge of social work practice in children’s services and be registered with the HCPC.
The pay rate for this locum Senior Practitioner role is £34 per hour This is a case-holding role and no
supervision is required.
Requirements of the Senior Practitioner:
Degree or equivalent in social work
Current HCPC registration
Significant senior level frontline experience within children’s services
Must have recent LAC experience
Job Features
Job Category | Legal Jobs |
Resume Cv | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Resume(CV)";s:5:"value";s:10:"PDF format";} |
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.Salary :£34 per hour.Start Date: Immediate Start. Nations Recruitment has locum vacancy for a Senior Practitioner to work full-time based in Luton,within the Looked Afte…
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.
Hours per week: 37.
Contract type: Permanent.
Salary: 35.00 per hour.
Nations Recruitment has a permanent job vacancy for an experienced and dedicated Senior
Practitioner to work within a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) based in Luton. The ideal
candidates will possess highly developed specialist knowledge of social work practice and be
registered with the HCPC.
Job Summary:
In this vital role, you’ll help children, young people and their families to live safely and happily. It
means receiving, handling and signposting all initial children’s social care contacts coming through
the Hub.
As part of this, you’ll prioritise the most vulnerable or at-risk individuals, and give specialist advice
for next steps. Where necessary, you’ll also make sure contacts are handed over to the relevant
services in a swift, efficient way.
This is about managing complex and unique caseloads with warmth, care and uncompromising
You’ll work closely with the senior MASH officer to provide safeguarding guidance, and liaise with
other agencies such as the Border Force.
There’s plenty of opportunity to step up in your career or to consolidate your experience. We’re
passionate about helping you develop your career through regular supervision, coaching and
mentoring. We are proud of the rapid achievements we have made to date. We work SMART and we
strive for the best.
Requirements of the Senior Practitioner:
Recognised and relevant professional qualification e.g. DipSW, CQSW, CSS.
Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
Significant post qualification experience in a Local Authority child protection children’s services
MASH experience
Job Features
Job Category | Social & Healthcare |
Resume Cv | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Resume(CV)";s:5:"value";s:10:"PDF format";} |
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.Hours per week: 37.Contract type: Permanent.Salary: 35.00 per hour. Nations Recruitment has a permanent job vacancy for an experienced and dedicated SeniorPractitioner to…
Location: Kent.
Salary: Negotiable, Pay is up to £40 dependent on experience.
Start date: Immediate Start.
Connect2SocialWork are currently looking for locum Social Workers and Senior Practitioners to work
in Children’s Social Work teams, UASC teams and Children in Care teams for Kent County Council.
CSWT are generic teams which include Referral & Assessment, CIN, CP and LAC. CIC is similar to LAC
and will include court proceedings, and UASC is working with Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking
We are looking for social workers in Broadstairs, Whitstable, Maidstone, Ashford and the King’s Hill
Pay is up to £40 dependent on experience.
Initial 3-month contracts with the chance to be extended.
Candidates will ideally have:
Have at least 2 years’ experience of working as a social worker within children’s services
SWE Registration
Be self-motivated and able to use own initiative
Be able to work under pressure and in stressful and challenging situations
Be able to demonstrate sensitivity, vigilance and professionalism in their work
Have a can-do attitude and flexible approach
Eligible to work in the UK
Drive and have access to a car
Benefits of working for Connect2SocialWork:
Access to a wide range of roles nationwide, as well as exclusive roles to C2SW
Your own dedicated consultant with extensive knowledge
Reward schemes such as Refer a Friend
Prompt and reliable payroll system
Work for an agency owned by Kent County Council
All posts are subject to satisfactory DBS check and references.
Job Features
Job Category | Social & Healthcare |
Resume Cv | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Resume(CV)";s:5:"value";s:10:"PDF format";} |
Location: Kent.Salary: Negotiable, Pay is up to £40 dependent on experience.Start date: Immediate Start. Connect2SocialWork are currently looking for locum Social Workers and Senior Practitioners to …
Location: Kent.
Hours per week: 40.
Salary: £21.50 per hour.
Start date: Immediate Start.
Nations Recruitment are currently looking for locum Social Workers to work in Children’s Social
Work teams and Children in Care teams for Kent County Council.
CSWT (Children’s Social Work Team) are generic teams which include referral & assessment, CIN, CP
and LAC. CIC is similar to LAC and will include court proceedings.
We are looking for social workers in the Ashford, Folkestone, Whitstable and Kings Hill areas.
Pay is up to £40ph dependent on experience.
Initial 3 month contracts with the chance to be extended.
Candidates will ideally have:
Have at least 2 years’ experience of working as a social worker within children’s services
HCPC registration
Be self-motivated and able to use own initiative
Be able to work under pressure and in stressful and challenging situations
Be able to demonstrate sensitivity, vigilance and professionalism in their work
Have a can-do attitude and flexible approach
Eligible to work in the UK
Drive and have access to a car
All posts are subject to satisfactory DBS check and references.
Job Features
Job Category | Social & Healthcare |
Resume Cv | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Resume(CV)";s:5:"value";s:10:"PDF format";} |
Location: Kent.Hours per week: 40.Salary: £21.50 per hour.Start date: Immediate Start. Nations Recruitment are currently looking for locum Social Workers to work in Children’s SocialWork teams …
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.
Hours per week: 37.
Salary: £24.28 per hour
Start date: Immediate Start.
Contract type: Permanent.
About The Job
We have an exciting opportunity available within our legal team where you will assist in making sure
an efficient, effective and economic legal service is delivered to the Council, its Executive,
Committees, Sub Committees and departments.
This role would include providing legal advice and to be responsible for a personal legal caseload in
relation to child care and related matters.
About You
We are looking for someone who has experience of advocacy before Courts or Tribunals and who is
able to deal with complex childcare cases.
Our ideal candidate will need to be able to perform legal work with minimum supervision and be
persuasive and analytical.
We need a strong planner who can prioritise their own caseload and be able to make decisions.
You’ll need to be a strong communicator both orally and in writing and be a strong team player.
You’ll have the opportunity to develop on your existing knowledge of English Law, Child Care Law
and Law of Evidence.
We do ask that applicants are Solicitors or Barristers qualified in England and in the case of Solicitors
hold (or be able to obtain) a current practicing certificate or in the case of Barristers enjoy (or be
able to obtain) rights of audience under paragraphs 402.1(c) and 402.2 of the Code of Conduct for
Barristers in England and Wales.
This is a public facing role so you’ll need to show off your fluency in speaking and writing English.
Job Features
Job Category | Legal Jobs |
Resume Cv | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Resume(CV)";s:5:"value";s:10:"PDF format";} |
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.Hours per week: 37.Salary: £24.28 per hourStart date: Immediate Start.Contract type: Permanent. About The JobWe have an exciting opportunity available within our legal t…
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.
Hours per week: 37.
Salary: £37.00 per hour.
Contract type: Permanent.
We have two exciting opportunities available within our Children Services department to join us as
Team Managers where you will be leading and managing an experience team of managers,
practitioners, professionals aiming to support the best possible outcomes for children and young
people. You will be enabling children and young people to remain safely within their home and
community environment and ensure the team provides effective services employing best
professional practice and standards.
The Assessment Service is a dynamic front line service which identifies, assesses and manages risk
for children and vulnerable families. Working together with our MASH and Family Safeguarding
colleagues, and our partners such as the police, health, and early help we focus on finding the best
solutions for children and families. There’s plenty of opportunity to step up in your career or to
consolidate your experience. We’re passionate about helping you develop your career through
regular supervision, coaching and mentoring. We are proud about the rapid achievements we’ve
made through our daily SCRUM meetings and the imbedded Agile improvement framework. We
work SMART and we strive for the best.
About you
Our ideal candidate will need to have substantial experience in a social care field which focuses on
safeguarding and child protection. We need someone who has experience of complex decision
making and able to advise, coach and support staff.
You’ll need to be a strong communicator who can make sound professional judgements and not be
afraid to strive to achieve the highest possible standards of professional practice by all team
You will have the opportunity to develop on your already existing knowledge of legislation national
guidance and best practice relevant to the post and knowledge of child development and issues of
family dynamics.
We do ask that you have Dip SW, CQSW or recognised equivalent, substantial professional social
work qualification and registered by the Social Work England.
Luton is a challenging yet unique environment that is bursting with opportunity. In this career
enhancing role you will play a significant part in leading our Children’s Services to good or
outstanding, leaving a lasting impact on the children of Luton.
Join us and help us “realise the remarkable” every day!
Application process
Because of the nature of this job, it will be necessary for the appropriate level of criminal record
disclosure to be undertaken. Therefore, it is essential in making your application you disclose
whether you have any pending charges, convictions, bind-overs or cautions and, if so, for which
offences. This post will be exempt from the provisions of Section 4 (2) of the Rehabilitation of
Offenders Act 1974 (Exemptions) (Amendments) Order 1986. Therefore, applicants are not entitled
to withhold information about convictions which for other purposes are ‘spent’ under the provision
of the Act, and, in the event of the employment being taken up; any failure to disclose such
convictions will result in dismissal or disciplinary action by the Authority. The fact that a pending
charge, conviction, bind-over or caution has been recorded against you will not necessarily debar
you from consideration for this appointment.
Additional information
Luton Borough Council is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and
vulnerable adults and expects all staff to share this commitment.
Applicants must be willing to undergo child and/or vulnerable adults protection screening
appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure & Barring Service
We offer a range of excellent staff benefits which include:
• flexible working arrangements – we welcome requests for flexible working arrangements
including part-time hours and alternative working patterns
Job Features
Job Category | Social & Healthcare |
Resume Cv | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Resume(CV)";s:5:"value";s:10:"PDF format";} |
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.Hours per week: 37.Salary: £37.00 per hour.Contract type: Permanent. We have two exciting opportunities available within our Children Services department to join us asTe…
Job Category: Social & Healthcare Qualified.
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.
Start Date: Immediate Start.
Salary:£27 per hour.
About the job
Social Worker to Children’s Services. This role is based in Luton Town Centre.
In this role, you will work using your own initiative with the most vulnerable service users in Luton
and you will be expected to work in partnership with a wide range of professionals from other
Agencies and organisations to ensure a seamless, quality service.
You will receive and co-ordinate complex referrals and perform the resulting assessments/devising
care plans. You will also arrange action and reviewing services for children and families, including
influencing the direction of future services.
About you
To be able to work in this role you will need a high level of judgment and personal responsibility. You
will need qualifying experience in social/health care field and substantial knowledge of legislation
and statutory responsibilities relating to Children and Family Services, including appropriate Quality
You will need to have a Dip SW, CQSW, or recognised equivalent professional qualification.
Applicants for this public-facing post will need to demonstrate the ability to converse, and provide
effective help or advice, fluently in spoken English.
Job Features
Job Category | Social & Healthcare |
Resume Cv | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Resume(CV)";s:5:"value";s:10:"PDF format";} |
Job Category: Social & Healthcare Qualified.Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.Start Date: Immediate Start.Salary:£27 per hour. About the jobSocial Worker to Children’s Services. This role is based …
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.
Start Date: Immediate Start.
Salary: £25.44.
About the job
We have an exciting opportunity available within our Legal department where you will be assisting
to provide an efficient, effective and economic legal service to Luton Council, its Executive,
Committees and Sub-Committees and to departments.
In this role you will also provide legal advice and be responsible for a personal legal caseload in
particular to child care and related matters.
About you
We are looking for someone who has substantial experience of advocacy before courts and
tribunals. This includes dealing with complex childcare cases.
You’ll need the ability to perform legal work with a minimum of supervision and be persuasive,
analytical and able to plan and prioritize your own caseload within broad guidelines.
The ideal candidate will need to be able to be decisive and have brilliant oral and written
communication skills as well as being able to work in a team.
You will have the opportunity to develop your already existing knowledge of English Law, Child Care
Law and working knowledge of the Law of Evidence.
Applicants must be Solicitors or Barristers qualified in England and, in the case of solicitors, hold (or
be able to obtain) a current practicing certificate or, in the case of Barristers enjoy (or be able to
obtain) rights of audience under paragraphs 402.1(c) and 402.2 of the Code of Conduct for Barristers
in England and Wales
This is a public facing role so you’ll need to show off your fluency in speaking and writing English.
Job Features
Job Category | Legal Jobs |
Resume Cv | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Resume(CV)";s:5:"value";s:10:"PDF format";} |
Location: Luton, Bedfordshire.Start Date: Immediate Start.Salary: £25.44. About the jobWe have an exciting opportunity available within our Legal department where you will be assistingto provide an e…
Location : Lynton House, Ilford.
Hours Per Week : 36.00.
Start Date Immediate Start.
Start Time : 09:00.
End Time : 17:00.
Salary: £25.68.
Redbridge Children’s OT
Complexity of cases: Mixture of OT complex and standard
Please list 5 essential requirements for the role:
- . Excellent knowledge, skills and experience with assessing for and making recommendations for major adaptations and complex equipment. Including preparing sketches, reading plans and providing detailed specifications for major works. Manual handling.
- . Experience with working in a multi professional team and undertaking complex OT, holistic person-centred assessments, support planning and reviews of people with a range of health conditions and their carers.
- . Understanding of the legal social care framework and housing legislation
- . Experienced with managing, planning, prioritising and progressing complex cases
- Experience and knowledge of assessing for and recommending simple and complex equipment, reviewing their effectiveness and teaching safe use of equipment to comply with relevant legislation, policy and guidelines on safe working practice.
• Essential experience required: Excellent knowledge of specialist equipment, major adaptations and manual handling. Ability to work autonomously, prioritise and plan own work load. Experience of working in a multi-disciplinary setting.
• Essential: Professional occupational therapy qualification as recognised by the HCPC
When will the interviews be held? As soon as possible
Why work for Redbridge? We deliver an integrated community health and adult social care service. There will be regular supervision and support provided. Flexible working opportunities can be considered. We are locality based.
Job Features
Job Category | Social & Healthcare |
Resume Cv | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Resume(CV)";s:5:"value";s:10:"PDF format";} |
Location : Lynton House, Ilford.Hours Per Week : 36.00.Start Date Immediate Start.Start Time : 09:00.End Time : 17:00.Salary: £25.68. Redbridge Children’s OTComplexity of cases: Mixture of OT c…
Location : Lynton House, Ilford.
Hours Per Week : 36.00.
Start Date : Immediate Start.
Start Time : 09:00.
End Time : 17:00.
Salary: £28.09.
HCPC Registration
To assist the Redbridge Council and North East London Foundation Trust fulfil its duties and responsibilities in relation to The Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberties, Safeguarding and all other appropriate legislation.
Fundamental to fulfilling the responsibilities of this post is the ability to respond flexibly, positively and successfully to the ever-changing pressures which an integrated Health and Social Care service will face. This Job Description is a guide to the level and range of responsibilities the post holder will be expected to undertake initially. It is neither exhaustive nor inclusive and may be subject to changes in order to meet legislative requirements changing circumstances and business demands of the service.
The primary purpose of this role is to:
Support the manager, team and service by providing professional leadership within an integrated service.
Deputise for the team manager as required.
Assist with overall responsibility within the team for assessment, care/support planning and review of people with a range of needs and their carers, working within a multi-disciplinary framework.
Undertake the legal and statutory duties of the post as required by the Care Act, Mental Capacity Act, Mental Health Act and any other relevant legislation.
Provides expert guidance on statutory duties, prepares court reports and attends court and court of protection hearings in order to provide expert evidence when necessary.
Provide expert advice and guidance within the team, specifically in relation to social care issues, Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
Provide and develop specific specialist knowledge relevant to your professional role.
Ensure people receive the required health and social care support within the community, prevent hospital admission and pro-actively work with the principles of admission avoidance.
Support people to maintain their independence within their home and the community by ensuring an asset based approach is used within assessments and support planning
To lead, support and work collaboratively with health colleagues to ensure people are discharged from hospital within agreed timeframes and with appropriate support mechanisms
Education/ qualifications
Experience of supervising students and/or staff in a statutory front-line social care or health setting.
Proven supervision skills, utilising a Reflective Model of practice.
Evidence of developing and maintaining good working practices with a wide range of customers and other stakeholders.
Experience of representing the service at multi-agency forums, making informed, sound decisions.
Experience of working effectively in a high pressure environment.
Experience of working with Adult service users and Carers.
Experience of managing complex cases and risk assessments.
Experience of safeguarding work including chairing of meetings.
Experience of work in relation to Mental Capacity and best interest decision making.
Experience of working in a multi-disciplinary inter-agency framework
Experience of meeting performance targets and delivering service outcomes.
Proven verbal and written communication skills, including the preparation and presentation of detailed reports and correspondence.
Effective listening skills.
Ability to deal with conflict and complaints.
Ability to maintain confidentiality.
Able to be resilient, handle information with adult safeguarding concerns that can be emotionally challenging for themselves and others.
Good organisational and supervisory skills.
Ability to manage, assist in managing and monitoring budgets/financial resources.
Manages time and prioritises work in an effective and productive way.
Manages own stress, remaining objective and stable in stressful situations.
Ability and skills to work alone and in a team.
Information Technology/computer skills including managing information systems, both paper based and electronic.
Job Features
Job Category | Social & Healthcare |
Resume Cv | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:10:"Resume(CV)";s:5:"value";s:10:"PDF format";} |
Location : Lynton House, Ilford.Hours Per Week : 36.00.Start Date : Immediate Start.Start Time : 09:00.End Time : 17:00.Salary: £28.09. HCPC RegistrationTo assist the Redbridge Council and North East…
Start Date: Immediate Start
Salary: £9.55 Nights:12.70 Saturday: £14.33 Saturday Night: £25.40
DBS Required.
Our ideal support worker will:
Have a great sense of humor
Be reliable, friendly, and caring to help our service users achieve their everyday goals (including
personal care)
Be able to support in house activities and hobbies
Be attentive and inspire our service users to achieve more!
Be resilient and help manage some behaviors that challenge
Job Features
Job Category | Social & Healthcare |
Minimum Qualification | a:2:{s:5:"label";s:21:"Minimum qualification";s:5:"value";s:7:"Minimun";} |
Start Date: Immediate StartSalary: £9.55 Nights:12.70 Saturday: £14.33 Saturday Night: £25.40 DBS Required. Our ideal support worker will:Have a great sense of humorBe reliable, friendly, and carin…